Nprocess of strategic planning pdf

Begin your strategic planning by agreeing on the following. The data which flows through the strategic planning process is likely a mixture of vision, mission and objective statements, environmental scans, analysis packages, benchmarking data, industry studies. Annual planning departmental planning and institutional planning the 201520 strategic plan includes the aims and objectives that each program. About me adjunct lecturer at hks two decades experience in the nonprofit and philanthropic sector, designing and leading large global and national initiatives and organizations board experience on. It is hoped that the result of this study can be beneficial for the policymaker, stake holder, school principals, and other researchers in related fields. The process requires that you look at where the organization is now, where its vision. Office of information technology strategic planning process. The following is the tenth in a series of ten articles describing. The last step of the strategic planning process is that of evaluating and refining everything from direction to releasing resources. Without strategic planning, the community will never know where it is goingmuch less know if it ever got there. Four stages of strategic planning university of maine system. Ericas expertise as a strategic planning consultant includes strategic planning facilitation, strategy design, implementation, and ongoing performance management that have helped her influence and. Strategic planning planning with a pyramid i introduction 3 know the difference between strategic and operational planning 4 before you begin 5 know the benefits of strategic planning 5 know the. Office of information technology strategic planning process june 2012 page 4 personnel oit needs at least eight additional personnel in specific functional areas to provide expertise, coding, and business.

Strategic planning process description the strategic planning process is an exciting time of utilizing results from the take your churchs pulse instrument, as well as further work and prayer. This simple infographic clearly sets out the different stages of the. Strategic planning process map federal geographic data. Preparation steps to get the most out of the strategic planning process a solid strategic plan can provide a road map for the organizations future. Strategic management is a process filled with constant motion.

Changes in the organizations situation, either from inside or outside or both, constantly drive strategic adjustments. Strategic planning is essential for plotting the future of your businessbut the process can sometimes seem lengthy and complicated. The chapter briefly defines strategic planning and outlines some benefits that can be gained from the process and its product. Todays whiteboard video is an overview of the strategic planning process.

Strategic planning process kingsborough community college. The important steps in the strategic planning process include plan development, testing, implementation and the maintenance phase. Four stages of strategic planning strategic planning is a continual process for improving organizational performance by developing strategies to produce results. Strategic issues emerge from the data and environmental scan. Strategic planning pays dividends to companies when approached in a disciplined process with topdown support and bottom up participation. Introduction by using the fifty states strategic plan guidelines any group of. The below 8 steps give you an overall view of the general actions that should be followed when putting together any strategic plan. Rudolf grunig richard kuhn the strategy planning process analyses, options, projects the strategy planning process this is a fm blank page rudolf.

What it is and isnt more than a few strategic planning efforts have run aground because they were based on a fundamental misunderstanding of what a strategic plan is. This blog post provides a basic structure for the strategic planning process. We are continually solving problems and taking advantage. Strategic planning is a process undertaken by an organization to develop a plan for achievement of its overall longterm organizational goals. Pdf the strategy planning process becky agwanda academia. Overview of the strategic planning process youtube. Effective strategic planningwas created for staff and board members of community development organizations. Instead of going through a bulletpointed list, well do it in the form of an illustration. Nonprofits approach strategic planning in many ways. Learning objectives upon completion of this workshop, learners will be able to. Whether you are opening a new business or finishing an already existing one, a strategic plan is essential. To assist you throughout your planning process, we have created a howto guide on the basics of strategic planning which will take you through the planning process stepbystep and keep you on.

Tailor the process to meet your nonprofits specific. Implementat ion methodologies t he org anization might use. A strategic plan is a vital tool and an important process that helps an organization reach its goals and achieve success. Includes concepts like strategic groups, value chains, theory of game. The three steps of the strategic planning process bdc. It goes on to provide indepth guidance on the steps involved as outlined in the box below. The choice, of the planning process that works best, should be driven by the culture of the organization, and by the comfort level of the participants. It describes the process for developing an organizational strategic plan, from. Strategic planning is the cornerstone of every commoninterest community. Remember that strategic planning is a dynamic process that continually takes into account new information from our environment and what god might be doing.

Pdf this chapter on the strategic management and strategic planning process provide an insight on the basic knowledge on what is strategy and. Additional planning activities that occur include biannual summaries of the role strategic planning plays in governance councils systemwide, as well as emerging issues reports that address. Initiate the strategic planning process within their organization. The process of strategic planning linkedin slideshare. Ten keys to successful strategic planning for nonprofit and. Strategic planning procedure manual jefferson college. Academic the formulation of an academic plan will be pre. Rpa as a strategic planning process strategic planning sets the basic direction and focus of an organization. Strategic planning processes for information technology. Strategic planning is an essential process in preparing to carry out your organizations mission. Coming up with a strategic plan can be detailed and exhausting work, but thanks to preexisting.

Sometimes strategic planning is confused with other planning modalities, each valid in its own right but geared toward a different end result. Strategic planning is an organizations process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy. Remember that strategic planning is a dynamic process that continually takes. Pdf strategic management and strategic planning process. For athletic departments that do engage in strategic planning, do they follow a process for plan development and implementation and what are the components of. Strategic planning tenstep guide the importance of planning planning is a critical component of good business and good management of business. Strategic management and strategic planning process. One of the steps toward this goal is a proposed mission to find, capture. Strategic planning and implementation, strategic planning. Strategic planning is systematic procedure to establish the long term objectives of an organization and the policies and strategies that oversee the achievement, use and disposition of resources to. Reach consensus on why the organization exists, what goals.